150 Boxes Delivered!

Last week was National Collection Week for Operation Christmas Child, so we took our trailer full of boxes and dropped it off at the nearest location.

With many hands unloading, it didn’t take us long!

We stacked boxes from each category on a separate table for easy categorizing and packing. All of these little boxes had to be packed into big boxes to be shipped to the Samaritan’s Purse processing centers.

We stayed to help pack the boxes into the larger boxes and then stack them against the wall to await shipment.

Then before we left, we gathered around the boxes and prayed over them, asking God to bless them as they travel to their final destinations. We would appreciate your prayers as well, that the children who receive these boxes would not only receive a physical gift, but that they would understand the far greater Gift that God sent to the world in the person of His Son. We want these boxes to be just a small “picture” of that great gift of God’s love for the whole world.

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